Simple tips for choosing fragrance

Updated: 2006-08-08 14:41

Homework first
When you're choosing a new scent, do your homework. Narrow it down to three or four fragrances with combinations of ingredients that sound right for you and then go and sample them - your nose can only take so many hits in one day.

Get in early
Get to the fragrance counter by lunchtime. Your sense of smell is sharpest at midday. Don't eat beforehand as curry, coriander or even a coffee can throw your olfactory senses.

It's all about the look
Looks do matter. If you don't love the bottle then chances are you won't love what is in it - rely on your eyes as much as your nose.

The card test
Test the fragrance on a card first (just to make sure it doesn't turn your stomach, try it on your skin and you may be stuck with it all day). If it passes the first test then try it on your skin. We are all unique in the way our chemistry interacts with scent and just because you loved it on someone else doesn't mean it will work for you too.

Ask for samples
Ask the counter staff if they have samples for you to take home and try. You may love the scent in the store but find it cloying a few hours later when the top notes have worn off. Wear it for a day before you decide.

By following these simple tips, you can avoid spending you money on something you are not likely to use ever again and in the process, find out what works better for you.


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