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Tongzhou Park

Tongzhou Park

Established in January 2006, Tongzhou Park covers two industrial bases: Opto-Mechatronics Industrial Park and Jinqiao Science and Technology Industrial Base. The park has a total planned area of 14.5 square kilometers. The development of 11.41-square-kilometers of the area has been already been completed. 360 enterprises have accessed the park, including 30 high and new-tech enterprises at national level and 76 at Zhongguancun park level.

The two bases of Tongzhou Park are located in the southeast of Beijing, southwest of Tongzhou New Town and the neighboring Jingjintang (Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan) Expressway and the city's No5 and No6 Ring Roads. Located at the significant junction of Beijing's eastern industrial development belt, the park is the core area for Beijing's role in the Bohai Economic Zone.

Tongzhou Park prioritizes world-class industries of optic-mechanical integration, environmental protection and new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing. The park features microelectronics, optoelectronics, automotive electronics, avionics, advanced equipment manufacturing, intellectual instruments, laser technology, numerical control machine, printing machinery, medical equipment, semiconductor material, environmental protection equipment and auto parts.

The park has invested 2.2 billion yuan ($346.28 million) to construct infrastructure such as roads, power, gas, heat and water supply, sewage treatment, communication and village removal, and thus created a favorable environment for production, R&D, business and living.

The two bases enjoy the preferential policies regarding Tongzhou district, including Joint Conference System of Tongzhou District for Promoting Industrial Development, Interim Procedures of Tongzhou District for Promoting Industrial Development, Interim Procedures of Beijing Tongzhou District for Cultivating and Introducing Urgently-needed and Applicable Talented Personnel, Incentives of Tongzhou District for Famous Trademarks and Well-known Trademark Holders.

Established companies: Li Ning (China) Sports Goods Co Ltd, Beijing Xinghai Piano Group Limited, E-Commerce Research Center of China (Headquarters), Beijing Mobis Transmission Co Ltd, Beijing BYD Mould Co Ltd, Chinalight Solar Co Ltd, Beijing Tianyu Communication Equipment Co Ltd, Beijing Beny Wave Science and Technology Co Ltd, Beijing Zhongkexin Electronic Equipment Co Ltd.

Please refer to: http://zgc-tzp.bjtzh.gov.cn/


Liu Chuanzhi

Founder of Lenovo


Li Yanhong

Founder, board chairman and CEO of Baidu


Charles Zhang

Founder, Chairman and current CEO of Sohu


Zhongguancun Science Park