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Fengtai Park holds networking salon for overseas returnees
Updated: 2013-05-27

The Business Incubator for Overseas Returnees Pioneer Park in Beijing's Fengtai district held an outdoor salon to promote the communication and cooperation of park-based enterprises on the afternoon of May 16.

The overseas returnees introduced their companies and discussed various topics, covering topics such as relationships between the company's long-term development and its survival in the early stage, how to grow bigger and stronger for human resource-intensive technology companies, and the risks that should be avoided in financing.

Participants shared their experiences and lessons in the salon. They believed this sort of activity can attract management personnel from different industries and will benefit both individuals and enterprises.

Cheng Jun, director of the Technology Innovation Service Center of Zhongguancun Fengtai Science Park, and representatives from returned overseas enterprises and investment organizations attended the event.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Michael Thai


Yu Yang

President and CEO of Analysys International


Sun Jiangning

GM of Beijing Onecomm Technology Co


Duan Dong

Vice–president of 58.com


Zhongguancun Science Park