• Media Center
Media Center

Crowd funding to build innovation and start-up business in Zhongguancun        2016-05-09

A 200-meter long street has become a hotbed for innovation and start-up businesses after two years of development.

Zhongguancun becomes IP service cluster demonstration zone        2016-05-03

A Zhongguancun intellectual property promotion meeting was held in Beijing on April 29.

Zhongguancun releases three-year IP promotion plan        2016-04-30

Zhongguancun unveiled the 2016-2018 plan for IP promotion on April 29.

Lingchuang Finance co-hosts IP salon with IP institute        2016-04-29

The salon offered guidance on various IP problems in the companies’ innovation and entrepreneurial processes.

SENSORO to make National Museum "smarter"        2016-04-29

The National Museum of China recently joined with an innovative IoT high-tech company, SENSORO, to launch a smart guide for visitors.

Zhongguancun releases 2015 Top Selection Series        2016-04-27

An awards ceremony for the Zhongguancun Top selection series in 2015 was held in Beijing on the afternoon of April 21.