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Entry-exit and stay

Updated : 2015-06-01

Materials for the application for stay permits

Where visa-exempt foreigners need to stay in China longer than the visa-free period, or foreign seamen and their accompanying family members need to leave the cities where the ports are located, or under other circumstances in which foreigners’ stay permits should be applied for, they shall apply for such permits to the exit-entry administrations of public security organs:

(1) Where visa-exempt foreigners need to stay in China longer than the visa-free period due to non-diplomatic or official business reasons, the applicant shall be required to submit the relevant certification materials, and the applicant may acquire the stay permit for the corresponding period by referring to the provisions on the extension of visa.

(2) Where foreign seamen and their accompanying family members need to leave the cities where the ports are located, the applicant shall be required to submit the seamen’s certificates or other internationally travel credentials, the letter of guarantee provided by the shipping agency, as well as other certification materials relevant to the purpose of stay. The stay permit not exceeding 30 days can be applied for.

(3) Where the applicant who has renunciated the Chinese nationality upon approval needs to stay in China, the applicant shall be required to submit the certificate of renunciation of the nationality of the People’s Republic of China, the foreign passport or other international travel credentials as well as the certification material relevant to the purpose of stay. The stay permit not exceeding 180 days can be applied for.

(4) Where the foreigner whose purpose of stay has terminated needs to continue to stay in China, the residence permit and the relevant certification shall be submitted. The stay permit not exceeding 30 days can be applied for.

(5) Where the foreign infants born in China need to stay in China, their birth certificates, passports and the passports of their parents shall be submitted. The stay permit with the duration of stay consistent with that of their parents’ can be applied for.
