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Legal publicity distributed in Zhejiang province bus station

By Mi Yunjing (english.legalinfo.gov.cn) Updated : 2017-01-26

The staff from Dongtou district of Zhejiang province carried out law-related publicity activities with the theme of “the rule of law goes with you in Spring Festival” in a local Xincheng bus station on Jan 18.

Before the eve of the Chinese traditional Spring Festival, large groups of people head for their hometown to celebrate the New Year with their family members.

The legal publicity staff handed out more than 100 packets of material on such matters as employment, employment injury insurance treatment, and labor contracts, as well as a dispute resolution guide covering personal damage compensation for traffic accidents.

The legal publicity workers gave people satisfactory answers to questions about arrears of wages and other issues and explained legal aid procedures.

Legal publicity distributed in Zhejiang province bus station

Legal publicity workers answer citizens’ questions in the station. [Photo/ China Legal Information Center]

Legal publicity distributed in Zhejiang province bus station

A legal publicity worker hands out materials to a passenger. [Photo/ China Legal Information Center]

