IP trust to tackle with financing difficulties by introducing social capital
By Kevin Nie, Anne Zhang
Updated: 2011-09-22

Over the years, Chinas small and medium-sized sci-tech enterprises have been nagging over difficulties in financing. Relevant government departments at all levels, various financial institutions, technology exchanges and the business community have made various efforts and experiments to tackle with those difficulties. Beginning in 2006, a number of banks in Beijing and other cities have provided IP pledge financing with the support from local Intellectual Property Offices achieving results less than satisfactory due to the low risk tolerance of banks and other factors. Therefore, a new type of IP financing method–the IP trust, has gradually appeared on the stage for numerous small and medium-sized sci-tech enterprises.

This April, The Zhongguancun Innovative IP Trust Plans of Assembled Funds (Phase I) was officially launched jointly by China Technology Exchange, COFCO Trust Co., Ltd., Beijing Vestone Capital Co., Ltd. (Vestone Capital) and Beijing Fuhigh Financial Services Co., Ltd.

Prior to this, China Technology Exchange (CTEX), COFCO Trust and others have respectively carried out cooperation with related units to make a pilot IPR trust scheme. As a model of trust for IP pledge financing in real sense and after comprehensively summarizing successful experiences in the past years, this project intends to solve the difficulties confronted by high-tech enterprises with the feature of "few assets and more intellectuality in proportion" by way of trust loans with IP as the major pledge.

The launch of the trust project will help to guide social funds to support the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, to strengthen the backup of scientific and technological projects, and to promote technological advancement and innovation in the end.

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