IP Scene(2013-05-08)
(China Daily)
Updated: 2013-05-08

IP Scene(2013-05-08)

1. Beijing

IP vital to emerging industries

Protecting intellectual property and developing strategic emerging industries go hand in hand, said Tian Lipu, commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office in a speech to the annual open house at SIPO on April 26, the World Intellectual Property Day. Because of fierce international competition, increased risk and a heavy reliance on IP, emerging industries require a higher level of IP management and protection, he said.

Anti-counterfeit site launched

A new online portal designed to fight counterfeits was launched in late April. Created by the newspaper China Intellectual Property News, the website helps to expose cases of IP infringement with the goal of distinguishing the authentic from the fake, and it offers online consultation. Organizers said they wish to improve IP information services, protect consumers from being cheated and promote the watchdog role of the press.

Mobile patent search now available

A patent search application for mobile devices was recently launched, enabling users to have more convenient access to patent information via cellphones. Developed by the China Patent Information Center, the app can be used on Android-based devices, and it will eventually be extended to other systems, such as iOS and Window 8 in the future. The app allows access to the patent databases of countries across the globe, including China, and provides online translation for patent names and summaries, said Ning Long, director of the center. Registered online users can view the full text of patents and receive micro blog services with tailor-made patent information, he said.

Ad contest ongoing

SIPO and major Chinese news portal Sina are co-hosting a public service ad competition to popularize IP awareness. With the theme "What IP Means To Me", the event is planned to last until the second half of October. IP-related public service announcement videos are being solicited from companies, schools, research institutions, trade associations, media, ad firms and professionals, said the organizers. Contestants are required to upload their entries onto Video Sina and release the video link on the micro blog Sina Weibo.

2. Heilongjiang

More support vowed for applicants

The provincial intellectual property office will make record investments this year in helping companies file patent applications and rewarding owners of patents, especially the invention patents. The total amount will reach 12 million yuan ($1.94 million), 7 million yuan more than the last year. To date, nearly 1,000 companies have won such financial support.


3. Sichuan

Chengdu leads region in filings

For eight consecutive years Chengdu has lead other central and western China cities in the number of patents applied for and granted. According to a recent government document released by the city's intellectual property authority, residents of the city applied for 48,901 patents last year, including 10,886 for invention patents, increasing 46 percent year-on-year. More than 32,000 patents were granted in that same year. Nearly 60 percent of the total patent applications were filed by companies.

China Economic Herald

4. Guangdong

Trade fair sees decline in disputes

The organizing committee of the 113th China Export and Import Fair in Guangzhou, which ended on May 5, received 542 intellectual property disputes during the event. More than 660 companies were involved, a decrease of 0.9 percent compared to the previous session. The CEIF spokesman Liu Jianjun said that most of the companies have strengthened awareness of IP protection, and their capacity to handle IP complaints and protect themselves has also been improved.


(China Daily 05/08/2013 page17)

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services