IP Scene (2013-06-26)
(China Daily)
Updated: 2013-06-26

IP Scene (2013-06-26)

1. Beijing

Home-grown AVS approved

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers recently accepted the audio-video coding standard - AVS - from Chinese scientists as an international standard. Used for digital TV, mobile telecommunications and video monitoring, work on the standard began in 2002. Professor Huang Tiejun from Peking University, a research leader in the project, said the standard marks a milestone for China's innovation in the international market.

2. Shandong

Copyright trading center

The National Copyright Administration recently approved an international copyright trading center in Qingdao development zone, China's first state-certificated exchange center qualified for copyright authentication and transactions in global cultural and creative works. According to local officials, it will significantly boost the development of local creative and cultural industries and promote the city as a regional "wisdom" center.

People Daily Online

3. Shaanxi

Protection for SMEs

An intellectual property seminar recently kicked off in the provincial capital Xi'an when He Hua, deputy commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office, said China's utility model patent system has protected and stimulated innovation from small and medium-sized enterprises. The two-day event, jointly organized by the All-China Patent Agents Association and the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (China), gathered some 280 representatives from SIPO and the Supreme People's Court to discuss patent applications, examination, judicial processes and other topics.


4. Chongqing

Cloud computing center

The nation's first patent data search center using the cloud computing technologies officially went online recently in the municipality. It offers more than 200,000 Chinese and foreign patent documents, and enables users to analyze statistics and build their own databases for free. Since trial operations began in May, more than 300 users have registered the website. The Chongqing intellectual property office has also organized training programs for more than 40 local companies.

Xinhua News Agency

5. Zhejiang

Copyright as collateral

A Ningbo printing software research company recently received 1 million yuan ($162,900) of loan from the local branch of Bank of China using its copyright for printing management software as collateral, the first of IP-secured loan in the industry in the city. According to a third-party asset evaluation agency, the software is at the forefront in the field nationwide and has "great market prospects".


6. Fujian

Online patent auction

The provincial intellectual property office recently hosted an online patent auction, the first of its kind in the area, in the capital city Fuzhou. Twenty patented technologies for biotech and new medicines, advanced equipment manufacturing and modern information technologies were auctioned.


(China Daily 06/26/2013 page17)

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