IP Scene
Updated: 2014-10-15


Increased payment rates for writing

The National Copyright Administration released new payment standards for written works in late September, which raised the basic range to between 80 yuan (about $13) and 300 yuan per 1,000 characters. The previous 30 yuan to 100 yuan was set about 15 years ago. The new standards, which are scheduled to take effect on Nov 1, have little impact, as most of publishers offer far more than the set rates, industrial insiders said. They suggested legislation on penalties for use of copyrighted works without authorization or payment.

Southern Metropolis Daily


Song and dance in Chengdu

The Qingdao Song and Dance Troupe performed its famous dance drama Hong Gaoliang, or Red Sorghum, last week in the provincial capital Chengdu. The drama was adapted from an identically named novel by Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan. The troupe bought the copyright in 2011 for a six-figure sum. In the next two months, 21 performances, including Yuju opera and Kunqu opera, are due to be staged in the city.



Cultural heritage expo

The "Intangible Cultural Heritage: Our Lifestyle" themed China Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition was held last week in Jinan. It included more than 700 items at nearly 400 booths and attracted 1,300 exhibitors. The four-day event provided match-making and trading activities for professional buyers, as well as a conference on derivative innovation and development and a forum on cultural and ecological protection amid urbanization.



First international exchange center

The nation's first international exchange center for judicial protection of intellectual property rights was founded on Oct 9. The center was approved by the supreme court in December 2013 and aims to strengthen cooperation between China and overseas countries and international organizations with advanced IP judicial protection experience. It will be responsible for organizing and coordinating key international cooperation and exchange programs.

Ximin Evening News


Patent inspection

The intellectual property office of Anyang city carried out an inspection on patented products. Law enforcement officers checked more than 200 products covering food, medicine and daily appliances. They found 21 of the products were labeled with patented information. They took photos of the labels and compared them with a patent database to check the entries' legal status. They also told shop owners to ask for IP certificates on receipt of new supplies.



IP aid for pen export hub

A quick enforcement and aid center for intellectual property rights in the pen making industry was founded in Fenshui township in Hangzhou city. The township is a base for pen exports and has an annual output of 6.6 billion pens and revenue of more than 5 billion yuan. More than 80 percent of local companies have patents but many gave up their rights when infringement occurred because of long trial procedures. There were previously four such centers for different industries.



Crystal firm takes Apple to court

Crystal materials maker Tera Xtal Technology Corp filed a lawsuit in Taipei against Apple Inc, claiming that the US electronics giant used its patent on sapphire crystal without authorization. The company said that Apple used the technology to incorporate sapphire into camera lenses in the iPhone series. It also sued two local handset retailers because they sell iPhones in Taiwan. Tera Xtal sought total patent infringement damages of $9.88 million.

Taipei Times

IP Scene

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

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