IP scene
Updated: 2015-05-06


Database sold to Malaysia

Beijing East Linden Science and Technology Co signed a contract on April 27 to sell its World Traditional Medicine Patent Database to Malaysia's intellectual property administration. The database took 12 years to complete, and includes processed patent information in both Chinese and English about natural medicines and their extracts from more than 20 countries since 1985. It is the most complete source of patent information on natural medicines worldwide.

Beijing Daily

Train draws crowds at Expo

The CRH380A train, one of the fastest models in the world and made by China's CSR Corp, has attracted attention at the 2015 World Expo in Milan, Italy. The CRH380A is one of China's bullet trains and reached a top speed of 486 kilometers an hour in test runs. To date, the train has safely run for more than 300 million km. The expo, from May 1 to Oct 31, has more than 140 countries showing their technological skills.

Xinhua Daily


Patent loans total $64.9m

The provincial IP authority recently announced that 21 companies from 18 cities in the province received patent-pledged loans last year, with a total value of 403.4 million yuan ($64.9 million) and more than 360 patents involved. Eight banks in the province currently provide the patent pledge financing service. So far 66 local companies have used the service, with loans valued at 1.3 billion yuan.

Henan Daily


Copyright deals signed at fair

More than 20 copyright deals worth 2 billion yuan ($322 million) were signed at the second China Qingdao-Northeast Asia Copyright Creativity Fine Products Exhibition and Fair from April 30 to May 3. Exhibits at the event included the latest copyrighted products from the fields of publications, cartoons, games, movies, TV series, music, fine arts and industrial design. The event attracted more than 350 companies and organizations worldwide, along with some 90,000 visitors.

Qingdao Financial Daily


China shares its IP expertise

Supported by the World Intellectual Property Organization's China office, an IP training program was held late last month in Tongji University for more than 30 IP officials from 18 countries including Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt. The courses covered China's IP law, policies and strategies, administrative protection system and patent examination mechanism. The trainees also visited local courts, government agencies and companies.



Jail for Mir 2 games pirate

A local resident surnamed Lu was sentenced to three years in jail with four years' probation and fined 50,000 yuan ($8,060) for setting up private servers for the popular online game Mir 2. The game was developed by two South Korean companies, and its copyright in China was exclusively licensed to Shanghai-based Shanda Corp. Lu started to provide a pirated version of the game in early 2010 using rented servers, and had illegally made 570,000 yuan by 2012.

Chongqing Evening News


Registration offices offer help

Twenty-four copyright service offices have opened in the provincial capital of Shijiazhuang to receive copyright registration. They are set up in communities, organizations and universities. Copyright registrants can go to any one of them and get their registrations approved in 20 days. Previously the service was undertaken by the Copyright Protection Center of Hebei exclusively. The offices also help copyright owners protect their rights by offering legal consultation and training programs.


The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

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