IP scene
(China Daily)
Updated: 2015-10-14


Capital handles 20% of all IP cases nationwide

Last year, Beijing courts handled nearly 20 percent of all intellectual property cases nationwide, according to a meeting of the standing committee of the municipal people's congress late last month. Mu Ping, director of the Beijing Higher People's Court, said the large number of diverse cases attracted much public attention. He said Beijing courts handled 62,763 IP cases from 2013 to Aug 20, and concluded 48,469.

Xinhua News Agency


Patent target reached four months early

The province's companies and individuals were granted 6,142 invention patents in the first eight months of this year, topping all provinces in the central part of China. The number increased nearly 80 percent from the same period last year, and means Anhui has accomplished its target of 6,000 invention patents for this year four months early. Companies and individuals in Anhui applied for 42,000 invention patents this year and owned 21,527 valid invention patents by the end of August.

Anhui Daily


Expert think tank founded in Xiamen

A think tank made up of IP experts from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan was recently founded for Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone's Xiamen area. Ni Chao, deputy mayor of Xiamen, said that IP is the key engine of innovation and innovative IP management and protection models will help both sides develop IP-based economies and improve their business environments. The first Taiwan IP agencies opened offices in Xiamen at the same time as the think tank.

China News Service


Cross-Straits seminar focuses on training

A cross-Straits seminar was held on Oct 8 in Changsha on the development of skilled IP and technology personnel. More than 60 delegates participated in the event, including IP and law specialists, government officials, entrepreneurs and college teachers and students from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. They discussed the latest relevant information and views on personnel development models on the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and some other developed regions.

Xinhua News Agency


Trademark Festival set to start in Haikou

Co-hosted by the China Trademark Association and the government of the city of Haikou, the seventh China Trademark Festival will begin on Friday and last through Monday. Regarded as the largest and most influential trademark and brand gala in China, the event is an international exchange platform for the trademark economy. This year the festival will include a series of forums, a trademark exposition and other theme activities.



Fair receives more than 40 complaints in 3 days

The complaint center at the 20th China Hardware Fair in Yongkang handled 42 IP disputes from Sept 26 through 28, of which 41 concerned patents and the other was about trademarks. The products involved included vehicles, tools and cups. Organizers said the number of disputes grew sharply from last year because participating companies have increased their IP awareness, and there were also repeated infringements on some popular products.

Jinhua Daily


Gov't announces plan to award innovators

IP rights violations will be recorded in people's social credit system, according to a plan unveiled by the provincial government on Saturday. The plan also encourages innovation by small companies and universities through offering awards and subsidies. Each year the government will support 200 projects initiated with patented technologies in emerging industries. Patent-based projects are targeted to generate revenue of 50 billion yuan ($7.9 billion) by 2017, the plan states.

Nanfang Daily

(China Daily 10/14/2015 page17)

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services

Recommendation of Global IP Service Agencies with Chinese Business

Washable keyboard