A delegation from Nagasaki, Japan embarks its 3-day visit to Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian province. This visiting group led by Nagasaki’s mayor consists of 96 government officials, representatives from business field and the Nagasaki’s citizens.
This year is the 30th anniversary of the bonding ties between Fuzhou, China and Nagasaki, Japan. From 1980, the cultural, business and non-official exchanges began to raise since Fuzhou and Nagasaki bond their ties together.
"This visit is, on the one hand to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the two ties bonding and on the other hand to seek further development between the two sides." the mayor of Nagasaki stated. During the 3-day-visit, quite a number of activities will be arranged including several symposiums and visits to the key enterprises in terms of logistics, sports and investment and so on.
Besides Nagasaki in Japan, Fuzhou has already bonded the ties with other 7 cities, including Naha, Japan, Syracuse, Tacoma, America, Campinas, Brazil, Shoalhaven, Australia, Georgetown, Guyana, Koszalin, Poland and Pyeongtaek and Gwangyang, Korea.
About Nagasaki in Japan: Found in 1889 and covering 406.40 square kilometers, Nagasaki has a population of 442,400 and fishing, shipping and traveling are its three pillar industries.
By Tang Zhi