

Reality TV show gives Gansu great exposure

Updated: 2014-12-11
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When Chinese Running Man, a reality TV show that gets popular Chinese stars to complete different tasks, filmed a segment for its Nov 28 show, in the city of Dunhuang, Gansu province, it brought a lot of good publicity to the area.

The program was shot in the Yangguan Museum, on Mingsha Mountain, at Crescent Moon Spring and several other places, giving good exposure to Gansu’s historical sites, scenery, and local conditions, with the stars all dressed up in silk, acting as business people, carrying silk and other local items, walking along the Silk Road, the famous trade route that stretches to western Asia. When the stars passed through Yangguan Pass, in Dunhuang, they had to get a permit as part of the activity.

After the show was broadcast, there were hundreds of news reports on Gansu. Many reality TV shows have been used recently as an important site for introducing China’s regions and to promote tourism.

By Li Xiaoxu and edited by Roger Bradshaw

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