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Lotus flower festival opens in Zhanjiang

By Xu Lili Updated: 2015-07-20

The first Qiantang Lotus Tourism and Culture Festival kicked off in Qiantang town, Zhanjiang's Potou district on July 19.

The month-long festival aims to showcase the use of modern agriculture and promote lotus culture and local tourism.

The Festival will have many activities, including singing and dance performances, a painting and calligraphy exhibition and specialties sales and tasting.

Qiantang is famous for lotus roots and lotus flowers. Every year, the festival attracts many visitors, who want to be close to the nature.

Lotus flower festival opens in Zhanjiang

Dancers stage a performance at the Qiantang Lotus Tourism and Culture Festival in Zhanjiang on July 19. [Photo/gdzjdaily]

Lotus flower festival opens in Zhanjiang

Visitors enjoy lotus flowers at the Qiantang Lotus Tourism and Culture Festival in Zhanjiang on July 19. [Photo/gdzjdaily]

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