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Fangchenggang's investment environment improves

(chinadaily.com.cn) 2015-07-20

Fangchenggang ranked high in the 2015 Guangxi's overall investment environment satisfaction in a recent survey by the National Bureau of Statistics' Fangchenggang unit. The city has moved up to fourth place, up from last year's fifth position, in the survey that covered a total of 14 cities.

More than 60 percent of the 120 sample enterprises in Fangchenggang praised the city's investment environment, noting that it has made considerable improvement.

The investment environment includes hard and soft environments. The degree of satisfaction of Fangchenggang's hard investment environment is 80.81, about one point lower than that of last year. Although the ranking falls from the third place in 2014 to the sixth in 2015, it still ranks high. The city's satisfaction it provides in natural resources environment, infrastructure construction and public facilities suffered a blow with varying degrees, signaling the immediate need for improvements.

The satisfaction of Fangchenggang's soft investment environment is 81.37, one place higher than 2014, ranking third in Guangxi. The degree of satisfaction and the ranking in the whole region of Fangchenggang's soft investment environment have achieved steady progress for the five consecutive years since 2011.

Edited by Mevlut Katik

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