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Thailand seeks cooperation with Bama county

By (chinadaily.com.cn)

Thai businesspeople have sighted huge potential in Bama Yao autonomous county, Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, during a study tour which concluded on July 17.

A delegation of Thai entrepreneurs carried out the on-the-spot investigation across the county from July 16 to 17, during which time they visited the longevity museum, the new urban district and Baimo Cave, a karst limestone cave.

Thailand seeks cooperation with Bama county

A delegation from Thailand conduct a field study in Bama Yao autonomous county, Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, from July 16 to 17. [Photo/bama.gov.cn]

Bama boasts a diverse array of natural resources as well as rich cultural traditions and history, kept alive and preserved by its people, the Thai delegation agreed.

Bama is known as the "hometown of longevity", with an average life expectancy of 85 years, 10 years more than the national average. Endowed with towering mountains, beautiful waters and fresh air, Bama is a perfect leisure resort for healthcare and recreation.

After being briefed on the county's flourishing tourism industry, infrastructure construction and future development strategies, the Thai entrepreneurs expressed their wishes to enhance cooperation with Bama county.

Thailand seeks cooperation with Bama county

Thai delegates visit the longevity museum in Bama, which is known as the "hometown of longevity". [Photo/bama.gov.cn]

Xiong Chaofu, member of Bama Yao autonomous county NPC standing committee, said that Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and Thailand share a close affinity in culture, and customs. Both sides enjoy unique geographical advantages in the ASEAN region and in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. Xiong said that Bama is expected to develop as one of the three international tourism destinations in the Zhuang autonomous region and exchanges and cooperation with Thai companies will play a big part in exporting Bama and its products overseas.

Thailand seeks cooperation with Bama county

Entrepreneurs from Thailand visit scenic attraction Baimo Cave, a karst limestone cave.[Photo/bama.gov.cn]

Hechi is located in the northwestern part of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and the southern foothills of the Yungui Plateau.