Chinese liquor industry pushes for globalization

Updated: 2012-09-04 17:10

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A forum for China’s liquor and economic development was held by the National Wine Association in Beijing on Aug 16. Participants agreed that the Chinese liquor industry should enhance its international market through brand development and culture promotion.

Statistics showed that large-scale wine companies in China have yielded 10.25 million kiloliters of 65-degree-proof liquor in 2011, up 30.7 percent year-on-year. Old liquor brands have prominently contributed to the local economy and injected vitality into relevant cultural fields. Chairman of the China Light Industry Federation Bu Zhengfa suggested that high-tech means should be employed more in liquor production to upgrade quality and efficiency.

China’s liquor industry is gaining momentum with annual output of 380 billion yuan, 400 billion yuan in sales, and 100 billion yuan in profit and tax. However, Wang Yancai, director of the National Wine Association, alerted that liquor brands should be more culture-oriented in production and sales, shouldering responsibility to pass on the national non-material heritage and enhance Chinese cultural globalization.

Speakers at the forum also appealed for government support to boost the liquor industry through market regulation and overseas publicity.