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Guizhou: Finding business opportunities through investment and consumption
By Zengjun and Hu Xiaojing ( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2013-09-09

From commercial buildings to office buildings, Midea Real Estate Group's transformation of investment plan shows great potential in business area.

Xu Chuanfu, general manager of Guiyang Midea Real Estate Development Co, which belongs to Guangdong Midea Group, said he was attracted by the great environment in Guanshanhu district, Guiyang, capital city of Guizhou province. At first, he decided to develop their project as commercial buildings.

"But we finally transfer it as office building." For one thing, they fully considered of Guiyang's overall city planning. For another, office building can fit this city better due to the great potential the city contains, added Xu.

Encouraged by the promising situation, Xu and his company chose a logistics park as a follow-up project. Midea AnnTo Logistics Park, the company's headquarter in Southwest China, has been completed, according to Xu.

Midea praises the Guiyang government's open-minded attitude and development potential."In fact, investors pay attention to the government's service ability and honesty," said Xu.

In his opinion, strong government service, awareness and efficiency are very important for investors. These factors give investors an intuitive feeling of the investment environment, which is their major concern as investors.

Like Midea, Shantou Newpower Co was also attracted by Guanshanhu district's investment environment, especially after discovering that Guiguang's high-speed railways will be completed next year."If transportation problems can be solved, then other problems can also be solved," said Lin Xiliang, the president of the company.

By the end of June this year, Guanshanhu district had attracted investment totaling 10.3 billion yuan ($1.68 billion), a year-on-year growth of 50.9 percent. Foreign investment in actual use reached $71.4 million, up 112.95 percent from a year earlier. The numbers are the highest for all of Guiyang.

Ding Xudong, secretary of Guanshanhu district, says temperature, geographical position and air quality are the main reasons why Guanshanhu district can attract a lot of foreign investment.

Ding said, compared with other cities in the Pan-Pearl River Delta area, Guiyang is famous for its cool weather.

Guanshanhu district needs to show entrepreneurs from the PPRD that it epitomizes Guiyang.

Guiyang's ecology has attracted many enterprises to Guanshanhu district. The district pays great attention to its environment and ecology restoration.

The prevailing investment situation is in fact a miniature of Guizhou's investment boom.

According to official figures, Guizhou's actual investment rose to 385.7 billion yuan in 2012, quadrupling in comparison with 2010. Most investment comes from the PPRD area, making up 40 percent of the total last year.

During the eighth PPRD Forum, which was held last year in Hainan, Guizhou signed 10 cooperation projects with other provinces. Gross investment reached 4 billion yuan, according to Ji Hong, director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Guizhou province.

This year Guizhou will secure 500 billion yuan in actual investment outside the province, accelerating the transformation of investment promotion into a more professional model, said Ji.

When responding to journalists at the NPC and CPPCC, Chen Ming'er, governor of Guizhou province, said Guizhou has many development advantages: open politics, a beautiful environment, and rich natural and labor resources.

Guizhou is now ushering in an important period of economic development. Over the last two years, its economic growth rate ranked second and third place across the country. It is accelerating the process of industrialization and urbanization.

"This development trend will continue in the future," said Chen.

With a new round of western development, Guizhou may become a new growth center in the next 10 years.

"We offer our resources, market and services in exchange for capital, skills and products from investors. Only in this way, can Guizhou find business opportunities in investment and build a strong consumer market," according to Chen.

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