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Eco university alliance:More cooperation in green development

By LI Yang ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-07-07

During the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2014, Peking University will set up the International Ecological University Union together with 12 world-renowned universities, including University of Notre Dame and University of Berlin. Its headquarter will settle in Guiyang, capital of Guizhou province, announced Yang Yong, inspector of the Guizhou Provincial Education Department, at a news conference at the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2014 on July 6.

“The set up of the union can promote cooperation between universities that are strong in green and environment research,” said Yang. Right after its establishment, a series of cooperations will launch in the aspects of training and R&D.

The set-up of the union will be officially announced during the education sub forum of the Eco Forum Global this year. The education forum this year is organized by Peking University, the Guizhou Provincial Education Department and the Guiyang municipal government.

Fifty-two guests will attend the forum, including Hao Ping, vice minister of education, and the principals of Peking University, University of Notre Dame, University of Berlin, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Melbourne, Kyoto University and St. Petersburg National University.

The education sub forum will be held from 2:00pm-6:00pm on the afternoon of July 11 and 9:00am-12:00pm on the morning of July 12 at the Guiyang International Eco Conference Center.

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