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Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome to attend Eco Forum

( Xinhua )

Updated: 2014-07-10

Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with his Ethiopian counterpart Mulatu Teshome on Wednesday and both pledged to boost cooperation between the two countries. Calling Mulatu an old friend of the Chinese people, Xi said the visiting Ethiopian president has made a great contribution to the friendship and cooperation between the two nations over the past years.

Xi said he appreciates Mulatu's decision to choose China as the first country to visit since taking office last October and to attend the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference 2014. The conference will be held in Guiyang, capital city of southwest China's Guizhou Province, from Thursday to Saturday.

Xi said the China-Ethiopia relationship has been at the vanguard of that between China and all African countries, and serves as a good example of unity among developing countries.

The Chinese side will support Ethiopia's drive for prosperity, increase exchanges on governance, and boost practical cooperation in all fields.

Xi said the Chinese government encourages businesses to invest in Ethiopia, share experiences with their Ethiopian partners and cooperate with them on technology transfer and training. China also stands ready to enhance coordination and cooperation with Ethiopia on international and regional affairs.

Mulatu said Ethiopia and China trust and sympathize with each other, and that the bilateral friendship enjoys a solid foundation. He also expressed appreciation for China's enduring support and assistance.

The Ethiopia side is working to accelerate economic development, hopes to learn from China's experience and welcomes investment from China, Mulatu said, highlighting fields of cooperation such as agriculture, manufacturing and infrastructure.

Mulatu said he believes Ethiopia-China cooperation will contribute more in the future to ties between China and the whole continent.

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