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Guizhou:Students of ethnic groups has priority to enter colleges

By Dong Xianwu and Li Yang ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-01-28

According to a conference held by the Information Office of Guizhou Provincial People's Government, students of ethnic groups that are familiar with their own languages have the priority of enrolling by colleges in Guizhou province.

Guizhou:Students of ethnic groups has priority to enter colleges

A conference is held by the Information Office of Guizhou Provincial People's Government,announced that students of ethnic groups that are familiar with their own languages have the priority of enrolling by colleges in Guizhou province.[Photo/Dong Xianwu]

"Nowadays, it is very difficult to find students of ethnic groups that are professional with their own languages. If the situation goes on, the ethnic languages will face the risks of dying out," said Huang Yan, director of ethnic education office of Guizhou education department.

According to Huang, 147 students of ethnic groups were enrolled by Guizhou Minzu University, Kaili College and Qiannan Normal College in 2014.

These students came from three autonomous prefectures and six autonomous counties of Bijie and Tongren, who know about the languages of Miao, Bouyei, Dong, Yi, Shui and Yao.

The action can give students of ethnic groups opportunities to receive advanced education, which has reflected the fairness of education.

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