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Platform in focus

( China Daily )

Updated: 2015-06-26

Eco Forum Global is an annual international platform, dedicated to facilitating cooperation among key decision-makers from governments, businesses, academia, media and international organizations.

The forum promotes eco-civilization, shared information and experiences, and advocates improved policy implementation to seize green development opportunities, cope with eco-security challenges and help set global, regional and industrial agendas for environmental improvement.

To achieve global sustainable development, humanity must advance from a brown to green economy and develop from industrial to ecological civilization, the forum's organizers said.

According to the event's website "eco-civilization is not an option; it is the trend and inevitable course of human societal development".

History of conference


Theme: Developing a green economy is our common responsibility

Hot topics: Water, PM2.5, food safety, low-income housing and green employment


Theme: Planning and construction of eco-friendly cities and development of related industries

Pillar issues on the agenda: Green economy development and industrial transformation, a harmonious society and compatible development, ecological system restoration and environment treatment, and ecological culture and values


Theme: Planning of eco-friendly cities

Major industrial talks: Sustainable high-efficient energy, food safety and eco-agriculture, green architecture and the future of real estate, circular economy and new towns of eco-friendly industries and eco-tourism's future


Theme: Green civilization and media dissemination

More than 40 sessions revolved around topics such as green financial innovation and the real economy's development, challenges and opportunities of private businesses, smart cities, carbon trade, response to climate change and comprehensive administration of transnational rivers.


Theme: Eco-civilization construction: Green innovation and transformation - sustainable growth driven by green industries, green urbanization and green consumption

Major achievements included the release of the Guiyang Consensus and the Guizhou-Switzerland environmental dialogue as well as related projects.


Theme: New era of eco-civilization amid reforms and global cooperation - government, companies and the public: system framework of green development and path choice

The meetings focused on strategic opportunities in industrial restructuring and upgrade driven by reforms; urbanization; reshaping ecological environmental safety through innovations; dialogues on establishing eco-civilization values and promoting sustainable consumption; cooperation for win-win results by building bridges for participating in global sustainable development; and the governance system in the post-2015 period.

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