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Forestry: A major part of green revolution under New Normal

By Li Yang ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-06-28

Southwest China's Guizhou province was honored the title of forest province at a forum on eco security and green revolution held in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou province on June 26. The forum is part of the ongoing Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2015, held in Guiyang, Guizhou province, June 26-28.

Forestry: A major part of green revolution under New Normal

Southwest China's Guizhou province was honored the title of forest province at a forum on eco security and green revolution held in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou province on June 26.[Photo/chinadaily.com.cn]

Feng Jiaping, chief engineer of the State Forestry Administration, said "Forestry can generate fortunes. The protection of forestry is significant for revolution under New Normal."

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