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Preferential Measures for Attracting Investment to Anshun (Trial)

Updated: 2015-01-05

Article 5

Preferential Measures on Charges

1. In the process of starting up new enterprises (except real estate enterprises) in Anshun, administrative service fees that are explicitly stipulated by the State and the province, and listed in the Directory of Administrative Services fees of Guizhou excluding those stipulated by laws and regulations shall be collected at the base prices. For cities and counties' disposable administrative service fees, units that enjoy full financial allocations shall be exempt from the fees; units that enjoy balance allocations shall pay half of the minimum charges; and units that control their own revenue and expenditure shall pay the base prices. Within 2 years after the start of enterprises' operations, those that enjoy full financial allocations shall pay half of the cities and counties' disposable administrative service fees.

2. Industrial projects in industrial parks are exempt from any charges. The relevant departments of finance will subsidize the charges collected by departments at or above the provincial level.

Article 6

Preferential Measures for Major Projects

Industrial projects with 200 million yuan of investment under the city's support and encouragement will enjoy more favorable support policies, by means of one project for one discussion and one policy for one company.

Article 7

Implementation of Preferential Measures

1. The fiscal expenditure for implementing the preferential measures should be undertaken proportionately by departments of finance at municipal and county (district) levels. The departments of finance at county (district) level shall pay in advance, and those at municipal level shall appropriate them by financial settlement.

2. Set up working teams at municipal and county (district) levels to supervise the implementation of the preferential measures. The members include investment promotion departments, supervision offices for optimizing the development environment , development and reform bureaus, bureaus of finance, auditing bureaus, supervisory bureaus as well as the commissions of industry and information technology (economy and trade bureaus). After investors submit applications for enjoying the preferential policies to management committees of the county (district) governments, the working teams will have a preliminary review and submit them to the management committees for examination and approval.