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Incentives for attracting investment to Anshun

Updated: 2015-01-16

1. Principles

1.1 Classified rewards

Introducers who have successfully introduced foreign capital shall be rewarded, based on the categories of projects.

1.2 Rewards from different levels

Rewards, after being checked, are appropriated to investment introducers by financial departments at city and county levels, in light of the fiscal administration system and the structure of tax funds.

2. Objects

Introducers who have successfully brought in capital from enterprises, economic organizations or individuals outside Anshan shall be rewarded, after being confirmed by the municipal leading group for opening-up and investment promotion.

The objects include natural persons, staff in administrative units, enterprises and public institutions, corporate organizations such as chambers of commerce, associations, professional institutions and administrative organizations, social organizations, investment agents or other organizations entrusted by the municipal government, and advanced collectives and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to investment promotion in Anshun.

3. Conditions

3.1 The following requirements shall be met simultaneously:

a. Projects comply with the national, provincial and municipal industrial policies, meet the environment requirements, and do not belong to restricted or prohibited ones;

b. Introduced capital shall be from outside Anshan (overseas) and not include financial allocation at all levels, treasury funds, policy-driven funds and subsidies;

c. Inward investment projects or for-profit charity projects that are registered, established, operated and have paid taxes within Anshan;

d. Projects that have been launched and have more than 10 million yuan ($1.61 million) of fixed investments (foreign funds and offshore funds shall be converted into Renminbi according to the foreign exchange rate on the day when funds are made available);

e. Introducers never receive commissions from investors.

3.2 The following cases are excluded from the rewards:

a. Projects in infrastructures (except for those with social investment), real estates, and resource-based industries (high resource-consuming industries, such as coal, oil, electric power, steel, and marble);

b. Projects whose construction duration is beyond that recorded in the filing and ratification documents and the deadline of funds that are available is beyond that stipulated in contracts;

c. Projects in build-transfer (BT) model or build-operate-transfer (BOT) model and donated projects.

4. Incentive standards

All qualified investment projects shall be rewarded according to the principal of classified rewards:

4.1 Reward 4 ‰ of the actual fixed investments.

4.2 Qualified projects that introduce Global 500 companies, Top 500 domestic companies, or Top 500 domestic private companies shall be granted a lump-sum reward of 0.5 million yuan, 0.3 million yuan and 0.1 million yuan, respectively, in addition to the rewards stipulated in 4.1 (any introduced company that belongs to two or more of the rankings shall be rewarded the maximum amount);

4.3 Projects that are rated as high and new technology projects shall be rewarded another 100,000 yuan;

4.4 Projects that have particular importance, reach the leading level in the world or provide strong impetus for Anshun’s industrial development shall be rewarded under the guide of “one discussion for one case”. Rewards are proposed by the municipal leading group for opening-up and investment promotion and confirmed by the municipal government.

4.5 Rewards for a single project shall be, at most, 5 million yuan.

Rewards shall be paid in RMB.

5. Application and confirmation of investment introducers

5.1 Eligible investment introducers shall assist projects with attracting capital. Before the conclusion of project contracts, introducers shall get application forms with the following materials in the local county (district) investment promotion departments, and register.

a. Letter of authorization or certificate. Letters of authorization or certificate concerning the entrustment of investment and introduction signed by investors, beneficiaries and the introducer shall be submitted.

b. Valid identification of the introducer. The introducer as an individual shall submit the original and copies of ID (passport); the introducer as a group shall submit qualification certificates signed and sealed by the legal representative and the original and copies of the legal representative’s ID (passport).

5.2 One project has one introducer. Two or more introducers entrusted by investors and beneficiaries shall be deemed as a team introducer.

5.3 Investors shall not apply for rewards for his / her own investment projects in the capacity of an introducer or entrust others to do so.


Rewards shall be granted in accordance with the actual fixed investments. Introducers apply for rewards in the local county (district) investment promotion departments with special audit reports on project funding and other relevant materials issued by legally qualified social intermediary organizations. The materials shall be checked by the municipal audit center of fixed investments.

7.Application process

7.1 In the case that projects meet the requirements for receiving rewards, introducers who finish registering must submit application forms and the following documents to the local county (district) investment promotion departments for preliminary examination. Investors, beneficiaries and the local county (district) investment promotion department shall issue confirmation.

a. Approval documents of projects (project approval, copies of public records, and copies of the official reply to environment assessment);

b. Counterpart of business license, copies of tax registration certificate;

c. Certificate of the project’s actual fixed investment;

d. Certificate issued by investment beneficiaries;

e. Copies of the valid identification of the project’s legal representative;

f. Copies of the valid identification of the introducer;

g. Introducers of projects concerning the transfer of state-owned assets, alteration of property right and stock ownership shall submit examination opinions issued by assets supervision departments (state-owned assets supervisory agencies authorized by governments at all levels).

7.2 Materials submitted by introducers shall be first checked by the county (district) investment promotion departments and then submitted to the municipal bureau of investment promotion for examination. Qualified materials shall be submitted to the municipal leading group for opening-up and investment promotion for approval.

7.3 The application for rewards of attracting investment shall be held once a year. Local county (district) investment promotion departments should submit the list of projects that are qualified and short-listed and the application materials of introducers to the municipal bureau of investment promotion before the end of October. Projects that meet the requirements of provincial rewards shall be submitted to the provincial bureau of investment promotion with the agreement of the municipal leading group for opening-up and investment promotion.

8.Payment of rewards

8.1 The municipal bureau of investment promotion shall, within 30 days from receiving application materials, give official replies. The lists of projects and introducers to be rewarded along with the amount shall be publicized in the city’s major media.

8.2 The amount of rewards shall be allocated by the municipal financial department and the county (district) financial departments with a ratio of two to eight. The county (district) financial departments shall allocate the funds to the county (district) investment promotion departments and set up special accounts.

8.3 The county (district) investment promotion departments shall grant rewards to introducers within 10 days after receiving allocated funds from the county (district) financial departments.

8.4 The total amount of rewards to team introducers shall not vary with the number of team members. One of the group members shall be entrusted in writing to receive rewards. The allotment is negotiated by members.

8.5 Rewards shall be received by introducers in person with valid identification. Introducers who don’t get rewards within six months after publicity shall be deemed to be waivers.

8.6 Rewards in this method are lawfully-earned income and receive legal protection. Introducers who get the rewards shall pay taxes in accordance with the law (The tax is withheld and remitted by relevant departments).