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Brooklyn Children’s Museum New Exhibit - Children of Hangzhou

2010-June-25 18:20:14

Brooklyn Children’s Museum New Exhibit - Children of Hangzhou

In this new exhibit, visitors meet a real family in Hangzhou, a Chinese city, and experience the impact of modernization on the lives of the girls and boys in a family that bridges old traditions and new ways of life. Inside recreated models of an apartment, pagoda, open-air market, classroom, and rice field, and shopping mall, visitors try hands-on activities and participate in the lives of the local children as they go about their daily play, school life, and work in today’s China.

Step into the Children of Hangzhou exhibition and take a trip to the city of Hangzhou, China! Visit a real family, experience the impact of modernization on their lives, and discover how they are merging old traditions with new ways of life. Inside recreated models of an apartment, a pagoda,an open-air market, a classroom, a rice field, and contemporary shopping mall, children and adults can try hands-on activities and participate in the lives of the local children as they go about their daily play, school life, and work in China today.

Time: June 26 – September 5, 2010

FREE with general Museum admission.

Source: http://www.brooklynkids.org/


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