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China, Japan hold first round of maritime talks
( Xinhua )

HANGZHOU - China and Japan on Wednesday held their first round of high-level consultations on maritime affairs in Hangzhou, the capital city of east China's Zhejiang province.

Officials from the two countries' foreign and defense ministries, as well as their maritime affairs departments and other related departments, attended the one-day meeting, according to a press release issued by China's Foreign Ministry.

The two sides exchanged views on various issues concerning bilateral maritime relations and maritime cooperation, said the press release.

It said the two countries agreed to use the mechanism as a platform for enhancing communication on maritime issues, increasing mutual understanding and mutual trust, promoting pragmatic cooperation, managing conflicts and properly handling relevant issues.

China also expounded upon its stance on the Diaoyu Island at the meeting.

The two sides agreed that the second round of high-level consultations on maritime affairs will be held in Japan in the latter half of this year, said the press release.


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