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The fourth session of 11th Henan Provincial People’s Congress opens
By Tang Zhi
Updated: 2011-01-19

The fourth session of 11th Henan Provincial People’s Congress opens

The preliminary meeting of the fourth session of the 11th Henan Provincial People’s Congress opened at the Provincial Hall of the People on Jan. 16. 805 deputies of the total 949 presented at the meeting.

According to the schedule of the meeting, the fourth session will hear and discuss over the work reports of Henan government; to examine and approve the outline program of the 12th five-year-plan of Henan’s economic and social development; to examine the implementation of Henan’s social and economic development plan in 2010 and the report on economic and social development plan of 2011; to examine the implementation of the 2010 budget and the report of the 2011 budget and to hear and deliberate the reports of Henan People’s Supreme Court and People’s Procuratorate.

The first presidium meeting of the fourth session of 11th Henan Provincial People’s Congress held

The first presidium meeting of the fourth session of the 11th People’s Congress of Henan was held on Jan. 16. The meeting was attended by 133 deputies.

The province’s governor Lu Zhangong and other eight deputies were elected as the standing chairmen of the presidium and the agenda of the forth session was approved. The session is scheduled to open on Jan, 17 and close on Jan. 23.


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