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General introduction to Hubei Development Zones

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Hubei has three national development zones and over 20 provincial development zones. Through construction and development in recent years, the development zones have become major growth points in the export-oriented economy of Hubei. The main development zones of Hubei are as follows:

National development zones:

1. Wuhan East Lake High-Tech Development Zone

2.Wuhan Economic and Technical Development Zone

3. Xiangfan High-Tech Development Zone

Provincial development zones:

1.Wuhan Yangluo Economic and Technical Development Zone

2. Gedian Economic and Technical Development Zone

3. Huangzhou Science and Technology Development Zone

4. Huangmei Xiaochi Economic and Technical Development Zone

5. Macheng Huangjinqiao Economic and Technical Development Zone

6. Xiangfan Automobile Industry Development Zone

7. Yichang Dongshan Economic and Technical Development Zone

8. Yichang Xiaoting Economic and Technical Development Zone

9. Zhijiang Economic and Technical Development Zone

10. Shiyan Bailang Economic and Technical Development Zone

11. Huangshi Tuanchengshan Economic and Technical Development Zone

12. Jingzhou Chengnan Economic and Technical Development Zone

13. Gong'an Nanping Economic and Technical Development Zone

14. Zhongxiang Huji Economic and Technical Development Zone

15. Shashi Yuqiao Economic and Technical Development Zone

16. Jingmen Duodao Economic and Technical Development Zone

17. Xianning Wenquan Economic and Technical Development Zone

18. Xiaogan New Industry Development Test Area

19. Enshi Hongmiao Economic and Technical Development Zone

20.Hubei Wudang Mountain Tourist Economic and Technical Development Zone

21.Wuhan Longyang Lake Tourist Resort

22.Hubei Honglian Lake Tourist Resort

Source: http://english.cnhubei.com

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Address: No 3, Bayi Road, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei province Post code: 430071