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Tianmen Sugar Figurine

( english.hbwh.gov.cn )

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The famous term 'sizhu', literally translated as 'silk and bamboo', refers to the ancient string instruments with silk strings, including theerhu,pipa, and yangqin, and wind instruments made of bamboo, including thedizi(bamboo flute) and the sheng. 

Tianmeng Sugar Figurine is a folk sculpture which is popular among regions around Tianmeng, which evolved from sugar offering as recorded in ancient books of the Tang and Song dynasties. It has rich cultural implications.

Tianmen Sugar Figurine
Tianmeng Sugar Figurine uses maltose as raw materials.

Using maltose, which is difficult to decoct and process, as raw materials, employing ways distinctive from sugar drawing such as blowing, molding, the images of Tianmeng Sugar Figurine are of exaggerating modeling and with lucid and lively colors.

The themes of Tianmeng Sugar Figurine are mainly centered around figure, animals, flowers, birds, fishes, and worms, etc., serving to pursue good fortune and avoid disasters.

Craftsmen of sugar sculpture are good at enlarging volume by blowing and enriching details by molding and creating interesting dynamics by connecting parts by springs. By means of all these artful techniques, the folk artists' aesthetic taste and creativity are fully displayed.

Tianmen Sugar Figurine

The themes of Tianmeng Sugar Figurine are mainly centered around figure, animals, flowers, birds, fishes, and worms, etc.

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