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Virus carrier seeks kisses for roses

By Sun Chi ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2012-01-05

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Zhang Wen, dressed in a low-backed wedding dress, stood at Guanggu Square in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province, on Jan 3, 2012.

Shivering in the cold wind, she held 10 roses and asked for kisses from male passers-by, with a friend standing nearby holding a board saying, "Kiss me for a rose in exchange."

"I'm an HBV (hepatitis B virus) carrier, I also long for love." Zhang is 30 and unmarried, according to Changjiang Times. Ten roses were handed out within one hour in exchange for kisses. Zhang also got hugs from passers-by who were moved by her courage and honesty.

The event is to raise awareness about the misunderstanding and discrimination against HBV carriers and letting people know that HBV is not so horrible.

Virus carrier seeks kisses for roses

Zhang Wen receives a kiss on her hand on a cold winter day at Guanggu Square in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province. [Photo/CFP]

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