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Foreign officials attend Hubei congress

By Guo Rui ( China Daily )

Updated: 2012-01-13

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 Foreign officials attend Hubei congress

At the invitation of Hubei provincial authorities, more than 30 foreigners observe the ongoing annual meeting of the Hubei People's Congress in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, on Wednesday. Yang Ping / for China Daily

WUHAN - It was not the first time Stephano Smars has traveled in Central China's Hubei province, but this time is special: Smars is among the first group of high-level foreign officials invited to attend the Hubei People's Congress.

"While I'm sitting among local Chinese legislators, I feel I'm an observer and a participant in China's development," said Smars, an official from the Belgian consulate general in Shanghai.

On Wednesday, more than 30 foreigners were invited to sit the meeting in Wuhan. English and French simultaneous interpretation were available.

Most of the foreigners are consular officials, business representatives from foreign embassies as well as foreign executives and experts working in Hubei.

Zhang Xiaomei, deputy director of the foreign affairs office of the Hubei provincial government, said foreigners can better learn about Hubei's latest achievements in terms of social and economic development as well as the province's future planning by attending the meeting.

China Daily

(China Daily 01/13/2012 page5)

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