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Incomes of Hubei residents increased by 10 percent in 2012

Updated: 2012-02-13

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The major expected targets for Hubei's economic and social development in 2012 include:

 An increase of local GDP by 10 percent;

 15 percent growth rate of scaled industries;

 The fixed asset investment to increase by 20 percent;

 Increase of consumer price to be controlled within the 4.5 percent mark;

 The total retail amount of social consumer goods to increase by 16 percent;

 Local fiscal revenue to increase by 12 percent;

 The exports to increase by 10 percent;

 Per capita disposable income to increase by 10 percent;

 The new incomes of the poor to increase by 10 percent;

 The unemployment rate of urban areas to be lower than 4.6 percent;

 Natural population growth rate to be lower than 6.5 percent;

 Fulfillment of the energy conservation and emission reduction task according to the requirements of the central governments

(Source: 2012 Government Work Report of Hubei Province)

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