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Review of Work in 2011

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The year of 2011 initiated the Twelfth Five Year Plan and witnessed our efforts towards a leap-forward development while overcoming difficulties. Although faced with the complex domestic and international situation, tough missions of reform and development, and severe drought-flood conversion and other natural disasters; with the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, the whole province emancipated minds, seized opportunities, concentrated on overcoming difficulties, and made new accomplishments of the reform through opening-up and modernization. The major economic data led in the central region, grew faster pace than the national average, and was better than expectation.

According to the preliminary prediction, the province’s GDP growth rate exceeded 1.8 trillion Yuan, up by 13.5%. The increase has exceeded 300 billion Yuan for two consecutive years. The local public fiscal budget income totaled 147 billion Yuan, up by 45.4%, which ranked the group first in the country.

We strove to maintain stable and rapid economic growth while a momentum of leap-forward development is taking shape. The relationship among steady growth, restructuring and price control was correctly handled, and the economic and social development showed a good trend of “rapid growth, stable pricing, optimized structure, enhanced potential, and improved people’s livelihood”. The province insisted on pursuing larger investment. The total fixed asset investment was expected to grow by 28.7%, while the non-government investment increased by 42.1%, contributing to 57.6% of the total investment in the province. Another 1,427 new projects with an investment of more than 100 million Yuan have been launched at an increase of 405 projects.

A number of key programs of industry, livelihood, infrastructure and eco-environmental protection have been accelerated. The total mileage of highways exceeded 4,000 km with an increase of 140,000 km of road in rural area. The tour road of Dabie Mountain and Erqi Yangtze River Bridge are now open to traffic. With the actively expanded consumption demands, the total retail sales reached 792.78 billion Yuan, up by 18%, among which home decoration, education, and culture became hot areas of urban consumption. Retail sales of rural markets grew faster than that of urban areas. The province focused on developing industrial and high-tech industries.

The gross output value of industrial enterprises above designated size amounted to 856.56 billion Yuan, up by 20.5%. The profits and tax exceeded 100 billion Yuan and the leading position of industry was further strengthened. The consumer goods industry grew faster than the equipment manufacturing and raw materials industries, and the structure was further optimized. Superior leading industries, and emerging industries of strategic importance, had achieved accelerated growth. 8 industries have achieved sales revenue of 100 billion Yuan. The sales revenue of the automobile industry exceeded 350 billion Yuan and that of food processing, iron and steel, and petro chemistry, has exceeded 300 billion Yuan. Various development zones and high-tech zones took a lead in the province’s industrial development, with high and new technology industries increasing by over 230 billion Yuan, up by more than 23%. The contracted technical revenue reached 11.9 billion Yuan, up by 31%. The finance, e-commerce, outsourcing, and other modern service industries, achieved rapid development.

Total tourism income reached 1,987 billion Yuan, up by 36%. Loans provided by financial institutions increase 254.2 billion Yuan, up by 18.2%. Hubei Bank and Yangtze River Property Insurance Company were established, and the background service centers for 22 financial institutions settled in the Optics Valley Financial Harbor. 10 new companies (1 overseas) were listed and raised a total of 21.8 billion RMB Yuan and 1.5 billion HKD. 5 provincial investment and financing companies invested 60.6 billion Yuan and attracted 201.2 billion Yuan of social investment. The crucial production factors such as coal, electricity, oil, natural gas and transportation were strongly ensured.

The total social electricity consumption was up by 10.4%. The stabilization of prices was treated as the primary task of economic work by securing supplies, strengthening regulation, improving subsidy, enhancing supervision and other comprehensive measures. The trend of inflation has been initially curbed and the annual rise in CPI was around 5.8 %. The establishment of linkage mechanism between social assistance and security standards with price increases played an important role in protecting the low-income groups from low-level lives caused by price hikes.

The regulation of the real estate market contributed to the dropping house prices. The government focused on the energy conservation of key industries and key enterprises. The energy consumption per unit of GDP reached the annual target by decreasing by more than 3.5%, the annual carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 3.5%, while the emission of sulfur dioxide and the chemical oxygen demand decreased by more than 1%, reaching the mission for eliminating the outdated industrial capacity.

We have finished the national mission of eliminating the production capacity. We strongly promoted environmental protection of the Three Gorges Reservoir, Danjiangkou Reservoir, and other key regions of drinking water sources. The water quality compliance rate of key urban centralized drinking water sources reached 100%.

We facilitated the implementation of the developing strategic system of “one-center multi-levels”. Regional coordinated development was highlighted. The government treated it as the overall objective and task of economic and social development to build itself a strategic stand, taking a series of working platforms as the starting point to fully implement the strategy of “two areas and one belt”. The dual-mode society development of Wuhan metropolitan area has been further highlighted and the integration has been speeded up. The development of Western Hubei Ecological Cultural Tourist Area and the key projects along the Yangtze River Economic belt were accelerated.

The strategy of one center and two provincial sub-centers was vigorously enhanced to further consolidate the leading position of Wuhan. Its GDP exceeded 650 billion Yuan with an increase of more than 100 billion Yuan. The growth rates of GDP, investment and industries of Xiangyang and Yichang ranked at the top in the province, and contributing more to the economic development of the province. The Pilot Project of Economic and Social Development in Dabie Mountain Old Revolutionary Base Area, Wuling Mountain Ethnic Minority Area and the Waist-Building project of Jingzhou have been fully implemented; the regional development and poverty alleviation of Wuling Mountain Area became a national pilot project. The comprehensive demonstration reform of East Lake National Innovation Demonstration Zone and Ezhou City gained accelerated promotion.

The transformation of Huangshi and other resource-exhausted cities, Jingmen Circular Economic pilot zone, Xianning Low-carbon Developing Zone had taken firm steps. The vitality of the county economies was further enhanced to contribute more to the province’s economic growth. The urbanization rate reached a historic record of more than 50% in the social structure. Urban management was strengthened and innovated to acquire a completely new look. Yichang was listed as a “National Civilized City” while Shiyan became a “National Clean City”. The development of 42 key towns, 40 featured towns, and 400 livable villages was launched and the Folk House Redecoration Project along the traffic lines in the areas of “one river and two mountains” has been completed.

We strove to fight against serious natural disasters for good harvest and further consolidate the basic foundation of agriculture. With scientific control and thoughtful deployment, the province worked together and overcame rare three continuous quarters of droughts, the Han River autumn floods, and other natural disasters.

476,000 people whom suffered from natural disasters were transferred and resettled and 36,000 houses of 11,000 families damaged in disasters were rebuilt. The society in the disaster-heated area maintained stability and all the suffered population were properly provided with food, clothes, drinking water, accommodation and medical service. 727 million kilogram of increase in grain yield was achieved for 8 consecutive years, for which the province was awarded by the State Council.

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