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Jingzhou flower-drum opera

The Jingzhou flower-drum opera is rooted in the Jianghan Plain. Since the 21st century, it has become increasingly difficult for the opera to continue. It is important to save the opera for the study and protection of folk art.

Wudang Mountain taoist music

The main rhythm used in the Taoist music of Wudang Mountain is the "Orthodox Rhythm of the Complete Perfection Tradition", also called the "Rhythm of Ten Directions".

Qu Yuan

There were several ups and downs in his career - for after each banishment he was recalled to court, only to be again rebuffed and disgraced.

Hubei,the cradle of the Chu culture

In the Spring and Autumn Period (770-475 BC) and the Warring States period (476-221 BC), Chu was the largest country in area within the territory of Hubei with its capital at Jiangling for 400 years.

The birthplace of Dragon Boat Festival

Zigui, a county in Hubei province where the Dragon Boat Festival has its root, is also the hometown of China's patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Tomb of Li Shizhen

The tomb of Li Shizhen is located in Xiezi Hill outside the east gate of Sizhou Town of Xinchun County in Hubei Province.

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