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Qixing Lake Leisure Village


Updated: 2011-12-08

Qixing Lake Leisure Village

Qixing Lake Leisure Village Suizhou is a 4 stars hotel,a perfect choice whether for business or leisure. The hotel is situated in Suizhou Suizhou City.Opened in 2003, Qixing Lake Leisure Village Suizhoustaff with their excellent service ensure your stay will be a fantastic one

Qixing Lake Leisure Village

Room Facility

Qixing Lake Leisure Village Suizhou is innovated in 2009.It's also very well-priced, and has exceptional service, accommodations, and amenities. Guests highly recommend this hotel.The hotel has 3 storeys(floors),90 tastefully understated rooms.

Qixing Lake Leisure Village

Pay at the hotel

The total charge includes room charges and service fee, normally excluding taxes, extra charge by customers.

Deposit: You will be asked for a deposit when register at the hotel reception. The amount of deposit is twice the room rate. The hotel will only bill the amount on the voucher when you check-out.

The regular time for check-in is 14:00 and the regular check-out time is 12:00 at noon. If you need to check in earlier or extend your stay, the hotel may charge an extra fee. (All times shown are GMT + 8 hours.)

Qixing Lake Leisure Village


: +86-400 666 1760

Source: http://www.baidu.com/s?tn=sogouie_1_dg&bs=yuedu+hotel&f=8&rsv_bp=1&wd=%C6%EB%D0%C7%BA%FE%D0%DD%CF%D0%B4%E5&inputT=20113