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Pilgrimages to Mount Wudang

Updated: 2011-12-29

Followers of Taoism would come to Mount Wudang to burn incense and pay homage to Emperor Zhenwu, the god of Taoism, for family happiness, success, good health and longevity. Pilgrimages include the family-based pilgrimage, ascetic practice-based pilgrimage, and society-based pilgrimage.

Pilgrimages to Mount Wudang
Pilgrimages to Mount Wudang

Family-based pilgrimage: The pilgrims, family members or family representatives, come to offer incenses at any time of the day and year. Good deeds are performed along the journey to the mountain.

Ascetic practice-based pilgrimage: This is a unique pilgrimage on which believers live an ascetic life to seek mercy and blessing from the god. Common practices include disseminating 36,000 rice grains, kowtowing in the pilgrimage, burning big incense, and offering incense to the dragon head.

Society-based pilgrimage: Traditionally, the pilgrim society would select a lucky day to hold a memorial ceremony for the group banner. Then they would recruit physically strong pilgrims and raise funds for the pilgrimage. At the departure, they would hold a sacrificial rite to heaven and earth or invite a Taoist priest to pray for them. On route, they hold banners embroidered with "going on a pilgrimage" at the front and back of the queue. The team may comprise of dozens or hundreds of believers. They burn incense at Taoist temples along the way and play music to the golden roof of Mount Wudang.