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New Year celebrations touch upon traditions and culture

By Lu Wei Updated: 2017-02-13

New Year celebrations touch upon traditions and culture

A child takes a photo with the help of a staff member at Inner Mongolia Baotou Museum on Jan 30, 2017. The museum launched a photography competition themed around the best smile. Children captured people’s smiles using cellphones and cameras. [Photo/Inner Mongolia Baotou Museum]

New Year celebrations touch upon traditions and culture

Children make Mongolian milk tea with staff members of Inner Mongolia Baotou Museum on Jan 31, 2017. The museum organized lectures regarding Mongolian milk tea and launched milk-tea making activities onsite. [Photo/Inner Mongolia Baotou Museum]

New Year celebrations touch upon traditions and culture

Children and parents learn the etiquette surrounding Mongolian milk tea at Inner Mongolia Baotou Museum on Jan 31, 2017. [Photo/Inner Mongolia Baotou Museum]
