Hidden treasures on sale for New Year


Updated: 2016-02-03

With the Lunar New Year around the corner, shopping once again becomes the most important task in life for the Chinese, as they load up their shopping carts with seasonal gifts for friends and family.

In Zhouzhuang town, vendors have set up booths along South Quanfu Road since Jan 15, with the street dedicated to New Year's shopping till Feb 13, when the Spring Festival holiday ends.

Hidden treasures on sale for New Year

Visitors can buy traditional food, drink and sundries at the booths along the South Quanfu Road in Zhouzhuang town from Jan 15 to Feb 13. [Photo from Kunshan Tourism Resort]

Scouring the old streets in Zhouzhuang, Jinxi, Qiandeng and Bacheng towns may lead you to a series of surprises and hidden treasures at the many specialty stores.

Hidden treasures on sale for New Year

Art works featuring traditional Chinese themes. [Photo from Kunshan Tourism Resort]

Suzhou style embroidery, Chinese silk tapestry, bamboo carving, and more craft and artisan products can be found at the many old workshops in Zhouzhuang and Jinxi towns.

Hidden treasures on sale for New Year

A craftsman weaves bamboo in his workshop. [Photo from Kunshan Tourism Resort]


For tourism information from Zhouzhuang town:0512-57212109

For tourism information from Jinxi town:4006212855

For tourism information from Qiandeng town:0512-57472152,0512-57469067

For tourism information from Bacheng town:4009288289



Four special holiday dishes to try in Kunshan

Like Christmas Day in the West, it is traditional in China to cook up an enormous feast on Chinese New Year, with dinner tables groaning under the weight of dozens of dishes.

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