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Nanjing 'Party' Week – One Show: Yunjin Brocade International Fashion Show

Updated : 2015-07-03 Source : Nanjing Week

Nanjing 'Party' Week – One Show: Yunjin Brocade International Fashion Show

Producer: Lawrence XU (a leading Haute Couture designer)

Time: July 13, 2015

Venue: La Pelota, Milan, Italy

Theme: A grand aesthetic scenery of 1,000 square meters, a gather-together of over 400 people of fashion, a gorgeous opening by the youngest Chinese model Xiu Qiu, a full view of 40 dresses made of Yunjin Brocade, a fascinating show given by 20 top notch international models, and a live performance by renowned Chinese musicians Lao Luo and Gong Linna, all of which are what to expect for a night of Nanjing Yunjin Brocade at Milan Expo.

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