
Jianghai expressway

| Updated: 2012-07-13 14:44 | ( ) |
The main framework of "one horizontal road, one vertical and one ring" expressway has been formed. The construction work of the west section of "one round" expressway, i.e. Jianghai expressway, accelerated the progress. The Nantong section has been dismantled and the substructure of medium and small bridges has been completed. Nantong ranked first in the three cities along Jianghai expressway in the evaluation at final inspection. The connection between Tongqi expressway and Dieshi Bridge has been opened to traffic. The pre-feasibility study on Haiqi expressway is complete. The project recommendation has been submitted to provincial Development and Reform Commission. The pre-feasibility study report on Nantong-Rudong (Yangkou Port) expressway is under progress. The expressway construction work completed in 2008 cost 354 million yuan, accounting for 118 percent of the annual plan.
  • The NETDA Free Trade Zone got the original go-ahead, on Jan 3, 2013, from the State Council, for a 5.29-sq-km area, in two parts.

  • Suzhou-Nantong science & technology industrial park

  • Equipment manufacturing industrial park

  • Urban-rural commercial zone

  • Nengda central business district

  • New materials industrial park

  • Medical treatment & health industrial park

  • Sci-tech industrial park

  • Precision machinery industrial park

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