Zhangjiagang  :  

3D model helps job-hunters

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-10-12

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“What is my psychological level? What about practical ability? Which job is my cup of tea?” Many job-hunters are seeking answers to these questions.

Chen Yuyi from Anhui province found the answers with the help of a 3D model at Jiangsu Yangtze International Metallurgical Industrial Park in Jinfeng town in Zhangjiagang of Jiangsu province on October 10.

Chen is one of the first batch of customers to visit the town’s ability assessment office. Employees at the office also gave her more detailed job-hunting suggestions.

The office is the first town-level job-hunting assessment office on the Chinese mainland. With an investment of more than 300,000 yuan ($49,021), seven sets of equipment will help job-hunters evaluate their practical ability. A questionnaire aims to assess the psychological conditions.

The system mainly focuses on technical talents. Many industrial enterprises such as Shagang Group and Farun Group recruit a lot of people every year, especially technicians.

It is expected to improve graduate job-hunting and enterprise development conditions. The office will provide free services to job-hunters in Zhangjiagang and strictly protect their privacy.

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