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Imported cars drive off ro-ro ship in Zhangjiagang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-12-04

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Fifty cars imported from Japan drove off the Ligulao ro-ro ship (roll-on/roll-off), which belongs to Japanese company Eastern Car Liner, at the Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone, Jiangsu province, at 3:28 pm on December 3.

This is the first time the zone has imported cars using a ro-ro ship.

A ro-ro ship is specially designed for vehicle transportation. It is more efficient and cheaper than a container. However, it is hard to order the ship because of inventory limitations and specific port requirements.

The event symbolizes Zhangjiagang Port’s improved transportation capabilities.

Wang Huizhong, vice-director of the administrative committee of the Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone, said, “It is the first time we have imported cars by ro-ro ship. It is a good start, and an increase in car imports is expected next year.”

Car imports are an important way for the free trade zone to develop a service-oriented economy. More projects will be carried out in the future in related industries such as logistics and shipping.

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