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Photographers capture life of construction workers

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-01-02

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Amateur photographer Shi Xiaojiao pressed the shutter to capture the smile of Wang Chuanyi, a bricklayer from Sichuan province in Zhangjiagang of Jiangsu province, on December 28, 2013.

A photography event was held that day at the construction site of Hexing Primary School. Fifteen amateur photographers, including Shi Xiaojiao, Qian Xueying and Chen Haiyan, went to the site in cold weather to record precious moments with the workers.

Every worker gets a photo of himself working on the site and a group photo in front of the finished building.

Wang Chuanyi was grateful to the photographers.

“It’s interesting to take photos at the construction site where I work. I have left my hometown to work for 15 years. Like migrating birds, I end work at one site and go to the next with simple luggage. Today, the photographers come to take photos for us and I’m very happy. I’ll keep the photos carefully and send them home to my family, leaving precious memories for us.”

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