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Zhangjiagang excels in copyright protection

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-04-30

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Zhangjiagang in Jiangsu province was approved by the National Copyright Administration (NCA) as a national copyright demonstration city on April 7, becoming the third city in the province and the eighth in the country to win such an honor.

Since 2013, a variety of measures have been adopted in shaping Zhangjiagang into a qualified copyright demonstration city. The efforts focused on the digital, innovation and design industries to improve their copyright protection.

Copyright protection plays an important strategic role in building an innovation-oriented city. Zhangjiagang has set 13 copyright protection administrations. The copyright authority also offers door-to-door services such as copyright registrations for works and legal consultation. A copyright website has been launched to release copyright-related policies and facilitate exchanges between copyright holders and users.

From 2012 to 2014, the number of works registered for copyright protection has increased from 2,199 to 13,000 with an annual growth of over 50 percent.

Moreover, the government invests around 300 million yuan ($48.24 million) each year to purchase legal software for government departments at municipal and town levels.

Edited by Jacob Hooson

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