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Zhangjiagang basketball team shows talent at U12 men's competition

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2019-07-29

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The basketball team from Tangshi Primary School in Zhangjiagang participated in the final season of the 2019 Yangtze River Delta U12 Men's Basketball Elite Competition in Shanghai from July 27 to 28.

Participating teams consisted of athletes under the age of 12 from Shanghai, Hangzhou, Taiwan and Suzhou. The final season will also determine who is eligible for the 2019 CBA Summer League.

After fierce competition, Zhangjiagang beat Shanghai to take the second place. Yao Ming, chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, awarded prizes to the winning teams.

Zhangjiagang basketball team shows talent at U12 men's competition

Fierce competition is seen during the final season of the 2019 Yangtze River Delta U12 Men’s Basketball Elite Competition in Shanghai on July 27. [Photo/zjgonline.com]

Zhangjiagang basketball team shows talent at U12 men's competition

Players show their talents at the competition. [Photo/zjgonline.com]

Zhangjiagang basketball team shows talent at U12 men's competition

Participants pose for a group photo after competition. [Photo/zjgonline.com]

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