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Pandas put on a public appearance in NE China

By Fang Sha

Pandas put on a public appearance in NE China

Panda chomping on Sichuan bamboo at Jilin Siberian Tiger Park, Changchun, on July 1. [Photo by Zhou Hong and Ji Ye/ chinajilin.com.cn]

A pair of pandas that traveled from Sichuan province to Jilin province were in the public eye, on July 1, at the Jilin Siberian Tiger Park in the city of Changchun, after a several-day rest from the rigors of the long flight to Jilin and being pronounced in good condition.

The pair eat 50 kg of bamboo parts, air-lifted from Sichuan, every day and some carrots and apples and are now adjusted to the new environment and climate, playing outside in their new yard most of time, climbing trees, playing in a pool, and sliding on the facilities. The park has appointed two keepers and three veterinarians to look after them full time.

Pandas put on a public appearance in NE China

Strolling about in Jilin Siberian Tiger Park, Changchun, on July 1. [Photo by Zhou Hong and Ji Ye/ chinajilin.com.cn]

At their debut in Jilin they attracted many young people interested in wildlife, who expressed a willingness to volunteer to do more to increase public awareness of the need for wildlife conservation.

The province now has 445 species of wild animals and is the largest Siberian tiger and leopard habitat after years of work on nature preservation with attention to wildlife.

Pandas put on a public appearance in NE China

Relaxing in a tree in the park, on July 1 [Photo by Zhou Hong and Ji Ye/ chinajilin.com.cn]
