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NE China gives street cleaners better logistical support


In the Nanguan district of the city of Changchun, Jilin province street cleaners are expressing their satisfaction with the newer, warmer, more comfortable place they have to go to during their breaks or even after work – a major change from the past, a time when street cleaners were mostly just tired and hungry, after long hours of work.

NE China gives street cleaners better logistical support

New apartment for street cleaners in the Nanguan district, Changchun. [Photo by Zhangnan/Xinhua]

One of the beneficiaries is Cheng Yumen, 55, who was asked to explain the new arrangements and replies, "[They] provide us with a free lunch -- two dishes with some meat and vegetables -- and a lounge where we can take a nap," which many other street clearers in the city seem to share the same feeling about.

NE China gives street cleaners better logistical support

Street cleaner Cheng Yumei having lunch at the lounge, on Nov 7. [Photo by Zhangnan/Xinhua]

The city's environment bureau and managers say they've been trying to find a more feasible support system for the workers, since 2013, including lounges, apartments, and dining rooms and, finally, by this year, they have managed to set up or rent 400 lounges in all, with a free lunch or a food subsidy for 14,000 street cleaners.

NE China gives street cleaners better logistical support

Cook preparing lunch for street cleaners in the staff kitchen.[Photo by Zhangnan/Xinhua]

And, they provide free accommodation for those with financial difficulties, and, as Cheng concludes, "It's unbelievable, getting all this. They really treat us well."
