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NE China forest district gets first photos of Siberian tiger


The Tianqiaolin forest district in Yanbian near Changbai Mountains in Jilin province has always been a likely place for Siberian tigers and over the last few years has spotted footprints several times but has never actually seen a tiger, but now, the forestry bureau reports, it has photographed a Siberian tiger in the wild for the first time, on Dec 14.

The tigers came to the bureau's attention when they received a call from two forest stations in the area, on Dec 13, who reported seeing some footprints of what could be tigers and sent some people to investigate and get photos of the animal.

The bureau head, Cao Yongfu, says that they have made every effort in ecological and environmental protection and the existence of wild animals, such as the tigers, provides evidence that their efforts have paid off and will help the district apply for national conservation area status.

NE China forest district gets first photos of Siberian tiger

Footprint of Siberian tiger in Tianqiaolin forest district. [Photo/Tianqiaolin forestry bureau]

NE China forest district gets first photos of Siberian tiger

Siberian tiger in Tianqiaolin forest district caught on film. [Photo/Tianqiaolin forestry bureau]
